Meet the Board – Danielle Gibb
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Danielle Gibb is vital member of CFSA overseeing the financial management of the organisation in her role as the Treasurer of the Board of Cystic Fibrosis SA. Danielle was compelled put her name forward for the position of Treasurer after learning about CF through her coworker who lives with CF. Danielle was first elected as Treasurer of the Board for a two year term starting in 2021.
Danielle brings experience as chartered accountant and the skills developed in the role to ensure our organisation maintains our financially obligations.
We caught up with Danielle recently to ask her a few questions.
Why did you volunteer to join the Board of Cystic Fibrosis SA?
I heard that the treasurer position was coming up and I thought it would be a good opportunity to volunteer my time to a charity that I’m passionate about. I put my name forward for treasurer as I believe I can add value to the organisation with my specific skill set.
Do you or a family member have any connection to Cystic Fibrosis yourself?
My connection to Cystic Fibrosis is through my manager (James) at work who lives with CF. I work closely with James every day and see first hand the challenges faced by people living with CF through him
What are the special skills that you bring to the Board?
I am a chartered accountant and have worked as an accountant for nearly 5 years. The skills I bring to the board are on the finance side… preparing annual budgets and reporting on the financial position of the organisation to the board each month
In your opinion what are the greatest challenges facing CFSA over the next 5 years?
As my role mostly entails the finances of the organisation… from what I see, the biggest challenge we face is fundraising money coming in. With COVID interrupting our usual fundraising activities over the last 2 years, we are going to need to work hard to regain our fundraising momentum
Tell us something interesting/unusual about yourself
Although I live in Adelaide now, I grew up in the upper north of SA in a town called Orroroo, which I still call ‘home’. I spend a fair bit of my spare time driving backwards and forwards between Adelaide and Orroroo and these days I’m lucky to have my dog Ace strapped into the car for the 3 hour trek keeping me company!