Gloria Lancione is a key member and tenacious advocate of the Cystic Fibrosis Community in South Australia. Having previously served on the board from 2008 to 2011, Gloria was asked by several members if she would once again join the board. Gloria was elected as board member and Vice President in 2021.

Gloria brings the lived experience of a person with CF and double lung transplant recipient to the Board.

We caught up with Gloria recently to ask her a few questions.

Why did you volunteer to join the Board of Cystic Fibrosis SA?

I have been a patient advocate for People with Cystic Fibrosis (PWCF) for many years and it seemed like a natural progression. I had previously served on the board so when I was asked by a few of the members, I was happy to join again.

Do you or a family member have any connection to Cystic Fibrosis yourself?

I have CF and so does my brother and cousin. I’m also friends with a few people who have CF

What are the special skills that you bring to the Board?

I have the lived experience of as a person with CF and double lung transplant recipient. I’m also incredibly tenacious, persistent and have studied social sciences, all skills which I have used as an advocate for PWCF. This gives me the tools to provide an insight that many other board members wouldn’t necessarily have, and a voice for PWCF on the board.

In your opinion what are the greatest challenges facing CFSA over the next 5 years?

Over the next 5 years, I anticipate the following challenges:

  • Funding! It’s always going to be an issue.
  • Consistent management on all levels so when we have turnover, we don’t have to start at zero every time.
  • The ability to meet the changing needs of the community with new drugs and treatment on the market.
  • Communicating to the wider community awareness of CF and the needs of the community.

Tell us something surprising/interesting about yourself?

I fell in love with Karate from the moment I first tried it in 2012. I had to give it up after when I took a punch to the chest that winded me and landed me in hospital for an exacerbation. It was the thing I most wanted to get back to after my transplant and I did 4 months later! I currently hold the rank of 3rd brown belt and I also perform administration, reception, and event tasks for my Karate Club.